Potato Cup Results 1/25/2025

3K-Under 12 Men

  1. James Ryan 13:05
  2. Ronan Wolter 16:53
  3. Lanner Murphy 17:06

3k-Under 12 Women

  1. Susanna Ryan 18:25
  2. Adeline Hedin 19:04
  3. Nadia Wolter 46:29
  4. Paisley Hedin DNF

3k-Over 12 Men

  1. Sacker Murphy 28:58

3k-Over 12 Women

  1. Stella Coleman 19:12

5k Men

  1. Mitchel Olsen 16:14
  2. Paul Obermann 25:06
  3. Dave Larsen 27:05
  4. Alex Bollinger 29:17
  5. Tom Klein 31:11
  6. Todd Nunnan DNS

5k Women

  1. Sam Quijano 27:04
  2. Heather Larsen 32:19
  3. Erin Hedin 35:27
  4. Karen Blanchard 36:32
  5. Elain Tobias 39:57
  6. Patty Bollinger 46:50
  7. Beth Obermann 1:10:41
  8. Haley Hardman 1:10:46

10k Men

  1. Ammon Bitton 32:37
  2. Jacob Finch 34:21
  3. Brent Wolter 44:23

10k Women

  1. Mariah Dickerson 38:55
  2. Sarah Heasley 50:47
  3. Ellie Ryan 53:10

15k Men

  1. Sam Kreig 41:03
  2. Dave Burgart 42:07
  3. Mark Burnham 42:27
  4. Randy Anderson 43:05
  5. Dan Strubel 43:28
  6. Dave Roy 46:34
  7. Adam Skidmar 47:14
  8. Pat Bragassa 47:29
  9. Zach Heuscher 47:35
  10. Gentry Yost 47:39
  11. Alex Theophilus 47:55
  12. Evan Taylor 47:59
  13. Jeff Wilhelm 49:42
  14. Gabriel Intrator 50:30
  15. Jeff Minnema 50:55
  16. Josh Parker 52:20
  17. Jordan Chapman 52:42
  18. Troy Neu 53:02
  19. Cory Conway 53:27
  20. Andrew Flynn 56:31
  21. Yevgeniy Kravtsov 57:04
  22. Taylor Farnsworth 59:30
  23. Billy Harker 59:40
  24. Kevin Marsh 1:06:50
  25. Ed Tierney 1:07:52
  26. Angier Wills 1:08:12
  27. Bill Woodhouse 1:20:40
  28. Clay Allred 1:38:46
  29. Ken Ryan DNS

15k Women

  1. Abby Broughton 48:10
  2. Valerie Gill 55:11
  3. Karen Morrow 56:18
  4. Rebecca Baumher 57:12
  5. Karen Appleby 57:36
  6. Karen Koslow 57:59
  7. Leah Fortson 59:18
  8. Jenna Mehre 59:48
  9. Brook Coleman 1:10:18
Potato-Cup Toko Race Wax Tip 2025

2024 Potato Cup Video thanks to Todd Nunan: https://vimeo.com/910199326

2024 Potato Cup Results

Women’s 15k

  1. Katherine Shields    52:46
  2. Valerie Gill   55:19
  3. Kelly Milligan   57:23
  4. Karen Appleby   58:01
  5. Mariah Dickerson    59:57
  6. Tunde Zsido   1:00:08
  7. Karen Dickerson    1:13:00
  8. Heather Larsen    1:13:03

Men’s 15k

  1. Dave Bergart    42:10
  2. Sam Krieg    42:21
  3. Alex Theophilus   45:10
  4. Pat Bragassa    45:23
  5. Randy Anderson   45:40
  6. Erich Wilbrecht     46:12
  7. Jared Vanderhook    46:13
  8. David Roy   46:57
  9. Adam Winston-Skidmore    48:08
  10. Richard Kirby    48:26
  11. Gino Pearson     49:11
  12. Jordan Chapman     50:07
  13. Andre Kohler     53:15
  14. Ammon Bitton     54:30
  15. Joe Morrel    55:21
  16. Mitchell Olsen    56:01
  17. Dennis Newell    56:40
  18. James Williams     56:41
  19. Will Nelson    56:57
  20. David Susong    57:25
  21. Chris Monz    59:55
  22. William Harker    1:01:03
  23. Jacob Finch    1:01:18
  24. Ed Tierney    1:05:56
  25. Dylan Knutson    1:12:15
  26. Angier Wills   1:14:31

Women’s 10k

  1. Ellie Ryan    52:59
  2. Brooke Coleman     54:26

Men’s 10k

  1. Ethan Hanson    34:12
  2. Joe Kennedy     36:39
  3. Charles Parker   40:32
  4. Lucas Dickerson    47:54

Women’s 5k

  1. Evey Bitton    22:40
  2. Elain Tobias    38:05
  3. Sarah Seeman    41:31


Men’s 5k

  1. Henry Call   19:37
  2. Dave Larsen    25:26
  3. Dalton Rasmussen    27:42
  4. Alex Bollinger     27:46
  5. Paul Oberman     27:47
  6. Jared Myers     41:34

Women’s 3k

  1. Stella Coleman    19:56

Men’s 3k

  1. Olavi Aho    12:19
  2. James Ryan    13:00
  3. Ronan Wolter    17:43
  4. Lanner Murphy    29:18


2023 Potato Cup Results

Women’s 15K

  1. Valerie Gill 52:17
  2. Karen Appleby 58:09
  3. Karen Kaslow 59:10
  4. Nina Keck 1:04:12
  5. Karen Dickerson 1:05:18
  6. Keri Ostergaard-Welch 1:07:18
  7. Shae Griffen 1:10:40
  8. Andrea Flores Diaz 1:15:05
  9. Marilyn Rayner 1:36:38


Men’s 15K

  1. Barrie Makarewicz 40:19
  2. Sam Krieg 41:52
  3. Aaron Phillips 43:06
  4. Randy Anderson 44:13
  5. Dave Roy 44:20
  6. Pat Bragassa 44:39
  7. Seth Mares 45:43
  8. Michael Weglarz 46:47
  9. Scott Nielson 47:53
  10. Jeff Minnema 48:43
  11. Dwight Janerick 50:17
  12. Joe Morrell 51:15
  13. Troy New 51:27
  14. Andre Kohler 52:41
  15. Jordan Chapman 56:50
  16. Andrew Flynn 58:16
  17. Chris Monz 59:08
  18. James Williams 1:01:30
  19. Edward Tierney 1:01:50
  20. Tony Joseph 1:02:13
  21. Dennis Newell 1:03:11
  22. Kevin Marsh 1:08:45
  23. Daniel Griffin 1:11:54
  24. Anger Wills 1:12:48
  25. William Harker 1:13:25
  26. Brelon May 1:19:00


Women’s 10K

  1. Mariah Dickerson 39:49
  2. Heather Larsen 41:26
  3. Ellie Ryan 51:57


Men’s 10K

  1. Brent Wolter 40:42
  2. Bob Marcinko 41:31
  3. Joe Kennedy 44:33
  4. Ken Ryan 46:19
  5. Todd Nunan 49:21
  6. Dave Larsen 51:37
  7. Alex Bolinger 58:51
  8. Jackson Stanley 1:03:31
  9. Tom Klein 1:04:59
  10. Dylan Wolter 1:08:59

Women’s 5K

  1. Rachel Tatko 22:17
  2. Karen Blanchard 37:03
  3. Elaine Tobias 38:57
  4. Marry Schmidt 40:40

Men’s 5K

  1. Alex Martinek 17:06
  2. Mitchell Olsen 20:25
  3. Ethan Darrow 21:00
  4. Jacob Finch 23:07
  5. Dalton Rasmussen 24:10
  6. James Ryan 29:32
  7. Lanner Murphy 54:03

Women’s 3K

  1. Evey Brittin 13:52
  2. Stella Coleman 26:00
  3. Susanna Ryan 27:19

Men’s 3K

  1. Will Nelson 10:55

Potato Cup 2022 Results!

Mens 15k

  1. Sam Krieg                  41:02
  2. Randy Anderson      43:45
  3. Pat Bragassa             44:28
  4. David Roy                 44:40
  5. Kevin Gibson           47:59
  6. Troy Neu                   50:51
  7. Joe Morrell              55:06
  8. Jordan Chapman    106:09
  9. Angier Wills             109:55
  10. Dave Larsen             140:29

Womens 15k

  1. Valerie Gill              50:50
  2. Heather Larsen     102:10
  3. Karen Dickerson   115:37

Mens 10k

  1. Bob Marcinko      41:16
  2. James Williams   49:14
  3. Alex Bollinger      53:59
  4. Todd Nunan         57:57
  5. David Maguire     101:42
  6. Tom Klein             104:05

Womens 10k

  1. Mariah Dickerson    47:18

Mens 5k

  1. Scott Burnhan      27:19
  2. Lucas Dickerson  29:58
  3. Peter Joyce           41:02

Womens 5k

  1. Elaine Tobias        42:14
  2. Karen Blanchard  42:21

Register for Potato Cup 2022 Today!!!

The 2022 Potato cup will be held on January 29. It will be a 15k freestyle (skate) race, with options for 10k and 5k if you prefer. Classic skiers are welcome. For skiers under 18 years old, we offer a 3k for only $10! Registration will be available the morning of the race at the Mink Creek Nordic Center, 9am to 10:30am, for $45.00. All races start at 11:00 AM sharp. Register early for only $35 at https://www.imathlete.com/#/legacy?url=%2Fevents%2FEventOverview.aspx%3FfEID%3D74690%26fQuery%3D%26z%3D1641230323043.

There will be tons of great swag available at the raffle after the race, thanks to our great sponsors. Support the businesses that support us!

See you there!

Toko Race Wax Tip: Potato-Cup-RWT

Potato Cup 2021 Results- 2/6/2021

Under 18 3k-Womens

  1. Hartley Bruning   28:17

5k Womens

  1. Jodie Bragassa        24:15
  2. Mariah Dickerson   25:21
  3. Grace Larsen            33:06
  4. Karen Blanchard     39:05
  5. Elaine Tobias           39:05

5k Men

  1. Brent Wolter            26:12
  2. Peter Joyce               31:25
  3. Richard Groth         1:22:02

10k Men 

  1. Lucas Dickerson       47:21
  2. Alexander Bolinger  48:13

15k Women

  1. Valerie Gill            51:31
  2. Karen Appleby     55:24
  3. Heather Larsen   1:01:57
  4. Karen Dickerson 1:02:31
  5. Lizzie Osteen        1:03:37

15k Men

  1. Joshua Korn              39:33
  2. Sam Krieg                  40:34
  3. Barry Markarewicz  41:43
  4. Randy Anderson       43:40
  5. Pat Bragassa              43:51
  6. Dave Roy                   45:10
  7. Paul Smith                 47:44
  8. Michael Weglarz       49:07
  9. Troy Neu                    50:35
  10. Kevin Gibson             50:58
  11. Andre Kohler             52:10
  12. Joe Morrell                 54:03
  13. Mike Evans                 57:05
  14. Kevin Marsh               1:06:31
  15. Edward Tierney         1:14:42
  16. Bill Woodhouse          1:16:53
  17. Jordan Chapman        1:24:12
  18. David Larsen               1:25:29
  19. Tom Klien                    1:29:21



Potato Cup 2020 Results

Womens 5k

  1. Victoria Medvedeva 21:56
  2. Ava Patterson 23:09


Mens 5k

  1. Peter Joyce 30:47
  2. Thierry Legrain 32:39


Womens 10k

  1. Jennifer Zurick 40:28
  2. Christine O’Conner 43:09
  3. Jody Bragassa 45:28
  4. Mariah Dickerson 1:35:54


Mens 10k

  1. Gabriel Dickerson 45:52
  2. Alex Bollinger 49:42
  3. Ben Nickell 1:04:07
  4. Edward Tierney 1:11:10
  5. Lucas Dickerson  1:40:57


Womens 15k

  1. Evelina Wickborn 44:31
  2. Roxanne Toly 45:42
  3. Valerie Gill 51:36
  4. Allison Frye 52:05
  5. Karen Appleby-Krieg 55:29
  6. Tunde Zsido 1:00:00
  7. Karen Dickerson 1:14:01


Mens 15k

  1. Sam Krieg 42:53
  2. Randy Anderson 43:53
  3. Pat Bragassa  45:37
  4. David Roy 45:47
  5. Chris Davidson 46:07
  6. Gene Pearson 46:29
  7. Scott Nielson 46:34
  8. Michael Weglarz  46:47
  9. Andy Hall 47:25
  10. Jeff Minnema 49:25
  11. Dan O’Conner 50:32
  12. Andre Kohler  53:35
  13. Bob Marcinko 58:35
  14. Pavel Medvedev 59:37
  15. Ted Mahan 1:01:51
  16. Angier Wills 1:09:03
  17. Kevin Marsh 1:11:50
  18. Wayne Hartman    1:37:10



Results for the Potato Cup 2019!!!

Thanks for coming everyone! See you next year!

3k Women

  1. Stephanie Gill   29:51
  2. Grace Larsen    42:50

5k Men

  1. Bill Skerjanc    25:53
  2. Alex Bollinger   25:55
  3. Ethan Flicker    31:56
  4. Enrique Romero   36:20
  5. David Larsen   56:49
  6. Richard Groth   1:4:25

5k Women

  1. Ava Patterson    28:05
  2. Heather Larsen   34:54
  3. Kristen Flicher    35:29

10k Men

  1. Shane Gard   40:20
  2. Kevin Marsh    47:53
  3. Peter Joyce    1:11:33
  4. Ben Nickell   1:11:34

10k Women

  1. Tunde Zsivo  44:43
  2. Aniko Pearson   45:44
  3. Kristen Nickisch  46:47
  4. Anne Koski  1:12:59

15k Men

  1. Barry Markerewicz    43:29
  2. Sam Krieg    45:23
  3. Randy Anderson   46:18
  4. Aaron Phillips   46:35
  5. Chris Davidson  48:05
  6. Dave Roy   48:39
  7. Andy Hall   49:19
  8. Michael Weglarz  50:09
  9. Jeff Minnema    50:12
  10. Gino Pearson   50:55
  11. Dwight Janerich  53:03
  12. Andre Kohler 56:00
  13. Philip Leavit 1:00:18
  14. Joe Morrel  1:00:23
  15. Jason Wooden  1:02:19
  16. Bob Marcinko  1:03:45
  17. Theodore Mahan  1:05:50
  18. Edward Tierney  1:06:07
  19. Bill Woodhouse 1:27:26

15k Women

  1. Valerie Gill 54:34
  2. Karen Appleby-Krieg  59:02
  3. Kathryn Gibson   1:02:08
  4. Lora Smith  1:02:53
  5. Betti Bohus   1:07:32
  6. Jordan Armstrong  1:11:17
  7. Karen Dickerson   1:13:48

2018 Potato Cup Video

Potato Cup Results 1/27/2018

5k Men

  1. Jackson Monz         17:07
  2. Collin Wiedeman   19:09
  3. Logan Olcott           25:45
  4. Joseph Morris        28:45
  5. Richard Groth        54:00

10k Men

  1. Theodore Mahan   47:45

10k Women

  1. Tunde Zsido            41:42
  2. Jennifer Zurck        43:15
  3. Aniko Pearson        50:29

15k Men

  1. Randy Anderson              44:36
  2. David Knoop                     44:56
  3. Mark Keeney                     44:59
  4. Pat Bragassa                      45:02
  5. Dave Roy                            45:04
  6. Scott Nickson                    46:39
  7. Christopher Davidson     47:17
  8. Jeff Minnema                    49:52
  9. Troy Neu                            50:05
  10. Gino Pearson                    50:42
  11. Dennis Newell                  54:53
  12. Chris Monz                       55:11
  13. Andre Kohler                   55:31
  14. Mark Seltenrich           1:00:57
  15. Kevin Marsh                 1:08:20
  16. Bill Woodhouse           1:10:43
  17. Jess Polakoff                1:15:21

15k Women

  1. Valerie Gill                     51:22
  2. Carolyn Sterrett            51:28
  3. Karen Appleby-Krieg  58:22
  4. Kathryn Gibson         1:03:49


Also, a big thank you to our title sponsor this year, Bingham Memorial Hospital, and everyone who donated prizes!



2017 Potato Cup Results

Mens 5k

  1. Nate Streubel  18:58
  2. Peter Joyce      35:23

Mens 10k

  1. Richard Groth  1:24:57

Womens 10k

  1. Kathryn Gibson   49:21

Mens 15k

  1. Sam Krieg              43:12
  2. Dan Streubel         44:15
  3. Randy Anderson  45:19
  4. Pat Bragassa         46:59
  5. David Roy              48:08
  6. Michael Weglarz  49:07
  7. Chris Davidson     49:35
  8. Scott Nielson         50:27
  9. Jeff Minnema        50:36
  10. Dwight Janrgroth 51:02
  11. Sam Magnifico      51:27
  12. Chris Osiensky      52:19
  13. Kevin Gibson         57:06
  14. Phil Leavitt            1:00:56
  15. Dan Bruner           1:03:56

Womens 15k

  1. Melisa Streubel           51:56
  2. Valerie Gill                   54:42
  3. Karen Appleby-Krieg 1:02:22

Thanks to Joe Perdue, our excellent race MC. Also, thank you to our great volunteers, volunteer groomers, the City of Pocatello, and this years sponsors:


 2014 Potato Cup

Potato Cup Official Results 2014

2014 Potato Cup Video

I would like to thank everyone that made this year’s Potato Cup a successful day. It was a fitting end to a trying season demonstrating what Pocatello skiers are made of. The Potato Cup was originally scheduled for early January to accommodate changes in the intermountain citizen race schedule largely due to senior Nationals at Soldier Hollow. We were barely skiing then so we opted to reschedule for March 1st. The 8 weeks between these two dates were decent but March 1st turned out to be the worst of these two dates. There was much shoveling done during the week before  between the winter rains. On top of that actual temperatures were much warmer than predicted for the entire week. After a rainy Friday night and rainy Saturday morning I met Wesley Savill and Andre Mayo in the muddy parking lot. They came from from Park City enroute to Canada. I asked their thoughts on racing in the rain,  “we’ve certainly raced in worse”. This made my day and the race was on. The snow that was falling was a mix of mashed potatoes and Elmer’s glue. It may have been the first race at Mink Creek that required V2 to get down the hills. Luckily the areas with 3” of slush offered better gliding. Everyone was smiles though back in the yurt and went home happy, well fed and with bonus character points.


Hats off to everyone that contributed . Let me know if I forgot someone and I’ll make the correction.


Sponsors: please thank and support them!

Troy Neu and Old Town Embroidery- donated hats for all racers and volunteers. In addition to homemade wine/kalua for some of the race winners.

Eric Nelson- donated a lot of sporting good products for door prizes

Toko USA- donated door prizes

Barrie’s Ski and Sport- generous donation of many door prizes and gift cards. Plus Barrie Hunt was the honorary race starter.

Bingham Memorial Hospital/Orthopedic Institute- Ken Newhouse. Doug Ashton was on standby with a medical support trailer to offer help to anyone in need.

Krieg Cycling- Sam donated door prizes, shoveled a snow bridge on Chickadee and Karen donated the race beer/root beer and labels. Very classy.

Hammer Nutrition- donated Heed energy drink, gels to each racer and race packet bags.

Pier 49 Pizza- RJ Ward donated several generous gift certificates plus coupons for all.

The Wild Rose- Tim Metos’ shop in Salt Lake City provided 2 ski grind certificates (best Nordic ski grinds in the intermountain west).

City of Pocatello Parks and Rec- Lance Clarke and staff accommodated the race and changes and volunteered many hours to this event.



BJ Roberts was the food coordinator responsible for organizing an awesome spread of food. Soup: BJ, Samantha Downey and Karen Applyby

Linsay Perry, rolls and homemade jam

Cookies: Val Gill and Meg Downey

Janet Pacioretty: fruit and banana bread

Andy Hall: Andy interjected so much shoveling in energy to Friday’s course prep I’m not sure how he skied so fast on Saturday. And then he replaced the missing bolt on the Ginzu track setter.

Jerry Downey: timing extraordinaire. Bob Marcinko hand timer.

Heidi Preize and Terri Neu: put together race packets, registration and bib washing.

Shovelers: Andy Hall, Sam Krieg, Dave Roy, Val Gill, Jerry Downey, Tim Downey, Roger Schidmdt, Mike Krumberger, Lance Roberts, Branden (Parks and Rec), Ken Newhouse

Joe Perdue: made a big work schedule change to announce the race only to find we declined to set up the PA due to inclement weather. Still any gathering is a good time with Joe there microphone or not.

Joel from MN- handed out Heed energy drink

Classic Course
Skate Course

2014 Potato Cup Pictures

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Potato Cup Pictures


2010 Potato Cup

2013 Potato Cup Official Results

Potato Cup 2012 was cancelled; no results.

Potato Cup Official Results 2011

Potato Cup Official Results 2010

Potato Cup Official Results 2009

2009 Classic Race Video

2009 Skate Race Video

Potato Cup Official Results 2008

Potato Cup

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Directions to Mink Creek Nordic Center