For those that haven’t heard the lower gate is now open. Please follow the signs where dogs, bikers and walkers can and can’t go as the snowpack is thin and it’s difficult to repair these tracks. Please be careful out there.
Thanks to everyone that made skiing this early possible.
Yesterday I had an opportunity to join Sam Magnifico (drummer for a couple Fun Races last year) on a local flight. The definition of the snow on the otherwise barren slopes is dramatic. Here’s a few pics.
From Lance Clark
We just received permission to open the gates at the Nordic center. The Nordic ski foundation packed and groomed the core trails and they are very skiable. There is not a lot of snow in the forecast but temps are favorable and shade is abundant in December. Please watch for obstacles and alert me (Lance) of any hazards so we can take care of them. Passes or daily fees are required as of Thursday morning. Rentals will be available Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Not suggested: Creekside and Creekside connector including mule deer, chickadee
Good: race course including cotton tail, red fox, fox tail, lower canyon, meadows.
Passable: sage loop, ruffed grouse
Ermine and deer trail are good if they firmed up.
Volunteer groomers- please use a very light hand in running any equipment. Most of the time the best thing we can do is to do nothing. We are skating along on a very thin margin and any dirt tilled up or dragged can last a season.